Here's a hat to go with the shorts ~jb
Please add your "Short" stories and one-liners about your memories of Fred Brim
I can only make it to G now. I was much better back when, but, the older I get the better I was, so who knows? I remember a trip from Coulee to Seattle with UF when I was a tot. We spent the night in Delano. The only thing I remember from Delano was waking up the next morning and seeing UF walking around in his holey tighty whitey's. Egad! Maybe more on that trip later, takes many lines. Ellen wrote 4 lines and a return space, so I only wrote 4 lines. ~John Brim
Uncle Fred could recite the ENTIRE alphabet in burp-talk, without stopping for more air. How DID he do that? And how many others did he teach his special techniques to? (and if they admit to it, can they still DO it?)
Also, it would be interesting to find out how many of the nieces and nephews, grandkids, etc. spent time on the farm hoeing beans, bucking bales, changing water-lines, etc.. and to hear their comments about that time in their lives. ~ Ellen Arment
Speaking of hoeing beans ( is that a subcatagory of human beans? ) Does " Outta the bed and onto your feet - - Outta the cool and into the heat ! " ring a bell for anyone?
Uncle Fred came to the Dunlap ranch every year for many years to get together with his old highscool budies and relive their youth. One year I offered my comportable saddle that had a bit of an english look to it. Uncle Fred chose to use a western saddle saying "I have to save my image". The next day he changed his mind and asked to use my saddle stating "The heck with my image. I need to save my butt.~Flora Long